Is Life Coaching For You?

We normally face a variety of problems in life. Some common problems are medical, psychological, social, legal or financial. In such cases, there are many trained professionals to help you (physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, or accountants).

We also face many other kinds of challenges, some involving questions concerning meaning, value, purpose, identity, dignity, autonomy, responsibility, happiness, fulfilment, morality or justice. Others involve dilemmas, relationships, conflicts with oneself or others or a need to understand things more clearly. Everyone has a philosophy of life, which is their guide to living. Sometimes one’s life is not all it could be or in many cases, should be. Or one may be living life in contradiction with one’s most fundamental beliefs. A philosophical counsellor can help you examine your life as well as your philosophy of living, by leading a more examined life, you may find new ways to resolve or manage your problems.

Not every issue or condition is an illness. If you are physically ill or emotionally dysfunctional, you certainly should see a medical doctor, but if you want to examine your life, find your way through muddled thought or difficult situations, then you should look into getting Life Coaching through a philosophical counsellor.  You’ll get dialogue, not a diagnosis and you will be guided, not medicated.  If your philosophy of life is not performing well, a Life Coach can help as philosophical counselling is therapy for the sane.

The philosophical counsellor sees individuals whose minds are sound but whose thinking is confused or obstructed.  They understand that most individuals live by many unexamined (rather than unconscious) assumptions and values that can affect thinking and behaviour in puzzling or distressing ways.  They also see a person’s thinking as being informed by childhood experiences but not determined by them. Through, a series of dialogue the philosophical counsellor helps the client come to an awareness of hidden biases, unspoken assumptions, and conflicting values that may be preventing an inquiry into alternative perspectives that could help to ease or erase the problem. For example, while a psychotherapist may search a client’s subconscious for the causes of a client’s distress over a career decision that must be made, the philosophical counsellor will help the client conduct a conceptual examination of the specific issues surrounding that decision.

It could be argued that this type of intellectual counselling neglects the emotions and feelings, or what psychologists call the affective domain. Philosophers know that feelings and emotions are not simply irrational events that a person must suffer through. A number of eminent philosophers have argued that an emotion does not simply erupt from the dark unconscious but that it is set in motion by a perception, a certain way of apprehending the world.  Consequently, a negative feeling or an emotion about oneself, for example, can be changed by means of a critical examination of the perception of oneself, of the world and of one’s place in it.

Life Coaching May Be The Very Thing For You

With her Ph.D. in Philosophy and as a trained Philosophical Practitioner, Dr. Dawe’s specific skills extend to the domains of:


Provides intellectual guidance to executives, entrepreneurs and professionals in identifying realistic and achievable goals within the parameters of individual skill sets and industry/market needs/possibilities.

Helps in the determination and exploration of reasonable options and logical consequences of various courses of action.

Embraces specific life coaching scenarios in which a high achieving professional seeks to identify any specific obstacles and blocks that do or may stand in the way of ones realisation of their full career advancement.



  • Anxiety
  • Stress Management
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Phobias
  • Divorce Recovery
  • Grief Recovery
  • Substance abuse
  • Self-Esteem
  • Group Therapy

Guides a group discussion/workshop in identifying, defining and arriving at a shared understanding of some particularly vexing issue or problem.

Helps to find consensus in the establishment of goals.

Leads inquiry into reasonable options and logical consequences of specific choices/decisions.

  • Assists individuals or groups in arriving at reasonable and mutually acceptable resolution to dispute or disagreement.
  • Especially helpful in business, management, labour and marital/property settlement disputes.
  • An ultimate pathway, sometimes chosen initially, sometimes accepted finally, to achieving a reasonable, fair and just resolution where mutual, and mutually acceptable solutions have heretofore evaded the disputing parties
  • Arbitration can be very advantageous in avoiding unnecessary prolonging of a process, realising significant saving in time and financial resources and most importantly, minimising obstructive and unhelpful rancour that can arise from lengthy disputes.
  • Especially helpful in business, management, labour and marital/property settlement disputes.