Accent XL has two treatment platforms, producing radiofrequency waves which are absorbed at different depths in the skin; the Bipolar Platform delivers energy to the second layer of the skin (the dermis), at a depth of about 2mm- inducing skin tightening. The Unipolar Platform, diffuses thermal energy through the subcutaneous fat layer, resulting in a shrinking and smoothing effect. (Unlike High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, eg Liposonix, Radiofrequency does not destroy fat cells)
CELLULITE is a term used to describe lumpy, bumpy fat usually seen in the thighs, buttocks and occasionally abdomen and upper arms; it almost always affects women and may occur regardless of whether the person is of a normal weight, or overweight. Oftentimes it may be accompanied by large dimples or depressions in the skin. It may also present as smaller dimples that resemble the pores on the surface of an orange, indicative of lymphedema, or trapping of lymphatic fluid.
It is a disorder of the collagenous supportive matrix*, where disordered collagen fibres allow fingers of fat cells to poke out causing palpable lumps, while tethering of the skin by other collagen fibres causes hollows or dimples.
*Think of the fat cells as eggs in an egg box; the egg box would be the collagen fibres
Large dimples can be improved by cutting the fibres of collagen which tether the skin with a scalpel or needle tip, a process called subcision, which is done under local anaesthesia; or by injecting the area with an enzyme called collagenase, which dissolves the tethering fibres (chemical subcision – a form of mesotherapy).
Accent XL Laser - Shrinks, Firms and Smooths Fatty Tissue

Lazer Room Patient: Accent XL & Mesotherapy * Individual Results May Vary
The Accent XL emits radiofrequency waves which are converted into thermal energy in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, resulting in
- Shrinkage of fat cells – volume loss of the fatty layer
- Remodelling of the storage matrix for the fat cells – collagen. This is an especially important aspect of the treatment of cellulite- the abnormally lumpy/bumpy fatty tissue that often is seen in the buttock or thigh area of women. One of the key histological features of cellulite on microscopic examination is disrupted collagen fibres, some fibres may remain intact, pulling on the upper layers of the skin, causing dimpling, while broken collagen fibres allow out pouching of fingers of fatty cells, appearing as lumps, or rolls, under the skin.
- Improved microcirculation to the fat cells – this allows the drainage of toxins and excess fluids through the lymphatic channels, thus further relieving congestion and orange-peel texture in the cellulitic areas.
Virtually Painfree Treatments, Ongoing Improvements, Long-lasting Effects
This remodelling of fatty tissue occurs over time with a series of Accent XL treatments; with ongoing improvements occurring up to 6 months after a course of therapy, as the subsequent renewal of healthy collagen fibres add to the smoothing and firming effect of the initial treatments. By drinking plenty of water to ensure adequate hydration, and thus continued flushing of toxins, in addition to establishing and maintaining healthy eating patterns and regular exercise, one can expect to maintain these improvements for a considerable period of time. It is recommended that one, attend 1-2 sessions yearly following a course of treatments to maintain results.
Depending on the degree of cellulite, or the volume of fatty tissue to be reduced, an initial series of 4-8 treatments performed at bi-weekly intervals may be recommended. The area treated at a given session would generally not exceed the size of a dinner plate for maximum effectiveness; for larger volumes of fat or stubborn deposits, the treatments may be combined with mesotherapy, for its synergistic effect (see section on Injectables – Mesotherapy).
What to Expect During Treatments?

results coutesy of alma lasers * Individual Results May Vary
Accent treatments are generally well tolerated- often described as “like getting a hot stone massage”- skin temperature is monitored with an infrared sensor to ensure that it remains in a safe and therapeutic range. No analgesia is required, and there is no downtime following treatments- the skin may appear red immediately following a session, but this will quickly fade, and there are no restrictions on activity. All skin types can be treated, and the Accent XL is not photosensitizing- thus treatment can be undertaken before sun or UV exposure.
Contraindications to treatment:
- Pregnancy
- The presence of cancer or undiagnosed tumour
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Electrical devices – pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or other devices implanted in the body
- Metal plates in the proximity of the area to be treated – eg extensive dental implants,(face), metal hip replacement (buttock) plate for repair of fractured bone (thighs)
- Severe multiorgan disease – eg renal impairment, advanced circulatory problems
- History of thromboembolic disease
- Active autoimmune disease
Additional applications of Accent XL:
- Shrinking Lipomas: Benign fatty tumours found in the thighs, arms and abdomen
- Jaw Contouring: Reduction of fatty deposits under chin and sides of face
- Following Surgical Liposuction: To smooth tethered or irregular skin following procedure.
- Skin Tightening: Tightening of loose skin of the face, neck, upper arms and abdomen
- Body After Baby: Treatment of loose skin, stretch marks and localized fat of the abdomen

SKIN TIGHTENING: Accent XL Bipolar Platform
Accent XL Bipolar treatments delivers energy to the lower dermis, about 2 millimetres below the surface of the skin, stimulating collagen formation, over a course of 4-6 treatments the result is a tightening of skin within the treatment area, above the layer of shrunken or removed fatty tissue.
- Accent XL can be used to tighten overlying skin after fat reduction
The Accent XL can be employed to smooth tissue irregularities post-Liposonix, post- liposuction and following weight loss.
If we did not employ this dual approach to treatment, shrinkage or removal of fat could result in wrinkling and folds of the overlying skin, as this sometimes happens after surgical removal of adipose tissue.
- Body After Baby: Accent XL for skin tightening, volume reduction and diffused appearance of stretch marks

Lazer Room Patient Body after Baby ACCENT XL skin-tightening * Individual Results May Vary
- Tightening of loose skin of upper arms, neck

results courtesy of alma laser * Individual Results May Vary
Note: some patients with excessive folds of skin may be more suited to surgical interventions eg brachioplasty (upper arms), abdomen (tummy tuck) or neck (lift): patients should be aware that laser treatments of these areas may result in modest improvements only and are not a substitute for surgery.