There are several discrete neck problems that can be addressed by laser and /or injectables:
1. Platysmal Bands Or Cords

* Individual Results May Vary
These are tight bands in the sheet-like muscle which lies between the jaw line and the front of the chest. When we are younger the platysmal cords are normally smooth, but as we get older, it tends to bunch up and form tight bands or cords that can pull the skin of the neck and face forward and down, leading to jowls, and a slackness in the neck line.

Botox For Neck * Individual Results May Vary
Platysmal cords are treated with Botox injections along the jawline, and in the neck bands, by a technique known as the Nefertiti jaw lift.The result is rebalancing of the neck muscles, with less pull downwards on the face (improved jowls) and less pull forward on the neck (tighter neck profile)- see below
2. Improve Your Neck Profile With A Mid-Face Volume Lift

* Individual Results May Vary
As the old saying goes-” the shin bone’s connected to the ankle bone..”
As we age, the fat pads overlying the cheekbones shrink, leading to drooping of the midface and sagging of the neck, Add to that, thinning and loss of elasticity of the neck skin, and you have the basis for the deterioration that is seen from midlife onwards. If significant sagging of the midface is present, you won’t get very far with laser skin tightening or resurfacing of the neck if you don’t replace the lost volume over the cheek bones first.
Case: This Lady had significant midface sagging, which was corrected with 2 syringes of Radiesse, lifting the face,improving the contour of the jawline, and resulting in less slackness of the skin under the chin
3. Horizontal Neck Rings

Selphyl For Neck Rings * Individual Results May Vary
Can be addressed by resurfacing laser or if very deep, by platelet injections (Selphyl). For deep neck rings, 2 treatments may be needed. The advantage to this procedure is that no foreign materials are used, only the patient’s own blood cells, which are injected into the deep grooves to stimulate the body’s natural repair mechanisms.
For a full explanation of how this works see Injectables: Fillers/Selphyl
4. Fat Deposits Under The Chin Or Over The Jowls
These can be addressed with a combination of Mesotherapy fat-dissolving injections, and/or Accent XL laser to shrink the fat and tighten the overlying skin see below: Accent XL laser and Injectables: Mesotherapy
5. Laser Treatments for Loose Skin
(Courtesy of Alma Lasers) * Individual Results May Vary
- (Courtesy of Alma Lasers)
Smartxide DOT Fractional CO2 Resurfacing
Used for resurfacing lines and grooves in the neck as well as for general tissue tightening. The CO2 laser causes immediate tissue shrinkage, as well as long-term smoothing of wrinkled and lined skin due to the formation of new collagen in response to the microscopic channels drilled into the mid layer of the skin by the laser. (For a more detailed discussion of this laser, see feature “Subtract 10 years with Smartxide DOT”)
Accent XL Radiofrequency Laser
Used for neck tightening and shaping of excess fat deposits under the chin/jowls. Not quite as effective as the Smartxide DOT CO2 laser in the tightening thin skin of the neck, but with no downtime. With experience, we have found this laser to be most effective in shaping and tightening fatter necks- the unipolar head is used to deliver energy to the subcutaneous fat deposits under the chin, jowls and sides of the face, resulting in a slimmer, more oval and less pudgy appearance of the mid-face and neck. The bipolar head of this device is used for tightening loose skin of the upper arms, tummy, and neck, typically requiring 2-4 sessions at monthly intervals for a moderate improvement in tissue tightening and skin texture (thickening).